Wednesday, June 25, 2008

OIL !!!

the price of the oil is 'extremely fake'
there is no way to be so high until
many of our MALAYSIAN can't affort to buy
it for their cars ...
wat are the goverment plans ?
wat will they do to stop the oil from growing again ?
will us all start riding bicycle to school ? work ? or shopping ?
why i need to face this problem at the time i am going
to get my driving license ?
there are too many question to ask , but is there anyone
who can stop all this ?
who ? who ? who ?
there is no one who can answer this question
but there is someone who is searching for answer
to get our vehicle run again without
oil ... so be chill , hahahaha !

let face it ! because there will be a miracle when
the problems come ... so it is nothing at all ! ^^

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